Tuesday, August 7, 2012

People Emancipation Movement

PEM is a Non-profit, Non-governmental, Non-political, Non-religious social movement strictly founded to promote pure service to Humanity. It serves no agenda of any but basic principles of life for a right to good living and happiness.

It is becoming well known that the conventional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) method of measuring the standard of living of people is not only delusive, misleading, incompetent but also grossly abused by the few who accumulate the wealth of the majority to satisfy their affluence lifestyle. Hence, stands the four pillars of PEM which is to promote: Sustainable Socio-economic Development (SSD), Good Governance (GG), Cultural Preservation (CS) and Environmental Conservation (EC) which thereby brings about psychological wellbeing, cultural diversity and resilience, ecological diversity and resilience, health, education, good time use, good governance, community vitality and good living standards.

For the commonwealth of all, PEM welcomes members from all background and geographies whose sole aim is to render service to humanity by promoting its pillars. Donors and philanthropists are also welcome to contribute to any of the funds which are SSD Fund, GG Fund, CS Fund and EC Fund.

For the avoidance of doubt and to eradicate any form of ambiguity, PEM does not promote agenda(s) of any country, government, body or individual.