Wednesday, July 25, 2012


The Nine Month Journey: 27th Oct. 1985

Born to the greenery of life with half a silver spoon, I belong to one of the four religiously categorized classes of Homo sapien. The first class is without parents (Adam), the second with a father but no mother (Eva), the third with a mother but no father (Jesus) and the fourth is that which I believe you and I belong and that is the class with both a father and a mother. Scientifically proved to occur through zygotic fertilization; the sexual reproduction of spermatozoon from Nureni Oyebode and ovum from Abike Oyebode to form a zygote tissue and hence evolve to become Lukman Oyebode as a result of meiotic division, multiplication and specialization of the cells. One among eighteen family members, life cannot be less social right from the onset.
Get To Know Me (Mimosa sensitiva)
A typical scorpio, I set on life trail and as far as I can remember at the age of five enjoying the best life could offer and enduring the worst it throws at me, I guess that is what mold everyone to who they really are. A close confidant of my dad, my childhood mostly spent with my elder brother Wasiu and my best friend Samuel was so much fun until I had an accident on third mainland bridge in Lagos at the age of seven. Without any member of my family knowing where I was for seven days and spending three months in the hospital,it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I began to exact my academic dominance and winning laurels unchallenged became my signature, an attribute that won me the love of all and sundry.
Climbing the ladder of life posses some daunting tasks for me but then I had become partially independent since thirteen when I stopped living with my parents and hence taking responsibility for my actions and inactions. The trait which has remained with me till this day. Pursuing my personal legend, trail blazing,leaving a good legacy and giving it all to humanity have always been my reasons for living. Letting my inspiration guide my aspiration, open minded towards life, deriving positivity in everything and being an architect of my own life are to me the soul that holds me in this universe.
Combining work and fun has always been my thing as I need to feel good doing what I do. Researching, travelling and playing/watching soccer are my best hobbies. Very inquisitive I may say, so I shouldn’t be asked why I am so versatile but sometimes people feel irritated because I can’t stop asking questions. Being human I am not perfect but that is not an excuse not to be fair and just to everyone. I trust people until they prove not to be trusted as I believe nothing gets done without trust. I love to lead not to manage because the attributes of the former I have but of the latter I had struggled to acquire. Success makes me happy but he who never fails never does anything at all. My role models are my dad and other fellow distinguished scorpios.
The Journey So Far And Memory Down The Lane
Everyone has a history and no one tells your story like yourself. Little I can share but I reckon some facts goes with one down to the grave, I call them THE SECRETS OF ONESELF. My life unfolds like the morning water lily as I move through the stages of life. Like the journey of a lonely hunter, a hunter doesn’t hunt alone and if he does choose to hunt alone, he becomes watchful.
I gained admission to St. Stephen Anglican Primary School in September 1991 feeling good of joining my siblings and leaving that kindergarten stage in Progressive Nursery School where I had been for roughly two years with those kids always grumbling and crying. A 7th position in class won me some accolades from my dad warranting a trip I insisted going with him and which had had a great impact in my life till this day. In July, 1992, I had an accident causing me dislocation on my led and fracture on my arm, thanks to the Nigeria Police Force that picked me up, treated and sustained me while my father for seven days was searching for my whereabouts, although it wasn’t his fault but my stubbornness to follow him everywhere he goes and then I guess no one should blame me either for loving my dad so passionately. A short stint in Gbobi Orthopedic Hospital, Lagos  changed my life ideology till this very moment, after which I proceeded to my father home city IBADAN for the very first time, spending six months with my paternal grand mother, my lovely step mother, my sister, my two cousins and a two month short stay of my elder brother. I attended a private school and had mathematics classes with my cousin. Coming back to my earlier school so I could be with my dad, I lost a year but then I sprouted like an autumn flower and since then on I had led the class. Being the class captain was becoming my fourth name until I was selected as the Senior Prefect Boy in 1997. That which I never took as I got transferred to Success Kiddies University where I got demoted but then filled the gap with two double promotions, nonetheless, I lost a year in the process as well. While there, I adapted very quickly and took back my role as class captain before I got to part five and I was made the SPB for the second time.
I continued in this same track in my Junior Secondary School bagging every gifts as best student in each subject and again as class captain, a responsibility I combined when I was elected the SPB in JSS 3. In Senior Secondary School Two, I was elected the Time Keeper, a position that was taken off me as well as the captaincy to avoid complicity in my work as the newly elected SPB overall in the school.
Leaving Secondary school with seven distinctions and two credits, I proceeded to study computer science which I never finished before moving to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. There I bagged a professional qualification in hospitality while acquiring further skills in other areas of social sciences, a qualification (equivalent to Masters in conventional education) in spiritualty and humanity. Sciences have always remained my passion but in human sciences I deduced is my where I am well pleased
Currently an entrepreneur, my future aspiration is to remain one and one of the greatest devotees to humanity the world has ever seen and will ever see.
My Pledge
I shall not die an unlived life.
I shall not live in fear of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance to live so that which comes to me as seed, goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom,goes on as fruit.
I am not bound to win but I am bound to be true.
I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live up to the light I have.



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